Online course readings and assignments weeks 1-3-5-7


Dates: Oct 31-Nov 6

Welcome to Week 7. This week, you will begin work on a reportage style radio story with a peace journalism theme. You will have two weeks to do this—week 7 and week 8, the last week of the course. See below for more details…

To review...
If you haven't read everything yet from week 6, please do so.
  1. Nigeria case study—
2. Teaching peace journalism—Skip ahead, and read pages 15-18 only in this file (You’ve already read the rest). These are resources I have given others so that they might begin teaching peace journalism themselves. This includes an outline for a university PJ course, a three-day seminar outline, and a list of online resources that an instructor might use when teaching the course.

Your assignment
1. Come up with story topic (or several topics) for a reportage-style audio report with a peace journalism theme. Some ideas: A. Report on those who are working (or have worked) to heal post-election wounds and restore peace in your community.  B. An update on peace clubs in your area—what they’re doing, how they’re operating; C. A profile of someone in your area who is making a positive difference for peace; D. A story of former adversaries (enemies) who have reconciled and come together for the common good; E. Other peace related topics of your choosing.

It is important that you email your topic to Gloria and discuss with her your story—what you’re doing, who you’re going to interview, how you can use natural sound, etc.

Email your story topic to Gloria by  Nov. 3 midnight Uganda time. Emailed to:

Your radio reportage story
  1. Peace journalism topic, approved by Gloria
  2. Length—1:00-2:30
  3. Soundbites—Use short sound bites (:15 sec max) from at least two sources
  4. Natural sound—Use natural sound in your piece.
  5. Script—Well written, good easy flow, read clearly and with energy
--Your story is due 13 Nov, by midnight, emailed to Gloria

Need audio editing software?
If you don’t have audio editing software, there is a free program that you can download that will work just fine. See link here to download this program, called Audacity:

This week's discussion question:
Instead of a discussion question, please post (at the link below) your story topic, who you will interview for your story, and maybe a sentence or two about your story.

NEW: How to post your discussion question response:
I will put a link on the website each week that says, click here to post your discussion questions. Then, once you’re on that page, find the tab (button) near the upper right corner that says comments. Click it, and select “show comment stream”. A box will open showing all the other comments. At the top of the box it will show anonymous, and “comment on this document”. It is here that you will type your response to the discussion question. When you’re done, just hit enter on your keyboard, and your comments will be posted.

For week 7, please click on this link:

NEXT WEEK—Your assignment will be to continue working on and finish your reportage story. There will be a discussion question.


Welcome to Week 5. This week, our theme is peace journalism in action. We’ll be looking at peace journalism case studies, and seeing how PJ has been applied in other places around the world.

To review...
If you haven't read everything yet from weeks 4, please do so.
1. This file contains articles about PJ and 9-11; PJ and a famous murder trial in the US: PJ and Norway (following the bombing there). I’ve put them all together to demonstrate, I hope, that PJ can apply to a number of situations that we may encounter as journalists.

Week 5 Readings
  1. The role of media in Macedonia’s conflict
  1. Study: Gaza war photos—Peace or War journalism?

Your written assignment
1.  Select one of the readings above (not both). Write a 2 page paper about this reading. Briefly summarize the study’s findings in the reading, in your own words. Then, offer some analysis. Do you agree/disagree with the findings? How do the lessons learned in Macedonia or Gaza (depending on which reading you’ve selected) apply to Uganda? If you were to a peace journalism course for journalists in Macedonia or Gaza based on what you’ve read, what would that course look like? What would the course cover and why?

Due date: Due Oct. 23 midnight Uganda time. Emailed to

Help with paper? Gloria will be providing most of the assistance as you write your papers, and Youngblood will be providing most of the feedback (and grades) after the papers are finished. So, if you're stuck, please contact Gloria first.

This week's discussion question:
One of your readings this week was a study about peace/war photojournalism. The question is this: would you censor (not show) a photo or video if you believed this photo/video would cause violence? Why or why not?

NEW: How to post your discussion question response:
I will put a link on the website each week that says, click here to post your discussion questions. Then, once you’re on that page, find the tab (button) near the upper right corner that says comments. Click it, and select “show comment stream”. A box will open showing all the other comments. At the top of the box it will show anonymous, and “comment on this document”. It is here that you will type your response to the discussion question. When you’re done, just hit enter on your keyboard, and your comments will be posted.

For week 5, please click on this link:

NEXT WEEK--The new posting/assignment will appear here on Oct. 24.

Your readings for Week 3
1.      Read/review the rubric in my old handout packet (Peace Journalism Resource Packet) on page 6. (You may still have a printed copy of this). This is a checklist you can use to evaluate if materials is or isn’t peace journalism.
2. Read this study, please. Pay special attention to the evaluation system/rubric that they use to evaluate stories to see if  they are practicing peace journalism. See especially pages 44, 47-49,

Your written assignments...
1. WRITE A SHORT REACTION PAPER –1/2 page—Your comments on the US-UK coverage of Somalia (reading #2 above). What did you think of the findings in the study? Are you surprised by the results of the study, that US-UK coverage was biased and war-like? Add any other comments you'd like to make about this study.
2. Use the rubric (checklist) below to critique/analyze photos from the Gaza War ( )  So for each photo, go through and analyze it, using the questions in the rubric/checklist. So you'll ask yourself, is the topic of the photo suffering? destruction? Just go down the rubric/checklist.
--WRITE A 1 TO 1 ½ PAGE PAPER DISCUSSING YOUR FINDINGS ABOUT THE GAZA WAR PHOTOGRAPHY. What are the results you came up with using the rubric/checklist below? Are these peace journalism photos, or do they promote war and violence/victimization? How could they have been done differently to promote peace and reconciliation?


Scale for Visuals--
Peace Journalism=14-19 points
Some characteristics of both peace and war journalism=20-29
War Journalism-30 or more

Scale for use with visuals—photos and video

Scale—1=Never; 2=Sometimes; 3=Yes; often
Photo content analysis

General topic is suffering

General topic is destruction

Subject—Military officials; Government officials

Mood—Patriotic, gallant

Subject—held in contempt by photographer

Association technique used-- Was an attempt made to associate the subjects in the photo with another group/cause/ideology?

Due date: Short reaction paper (1/2 page) and Gaza War analysis paper (1 to 1 ½ pages) due Oct. 9 midnight Uganda time. Emailed to

Help with paper? Gloria will be providing most of the assistance as you write your papers, and Youngblood will be providing most of the feedback (and grades) after the papers are finished. So, if you're stuck, please contact Gloria first.

Your discussion question of the week...
Please write at least one discussion item/response per week.

Due date: Oct. 9 midnight Uganda time.

This week's discussion question:
You’re read about how US and UK media cover Somalia. How about media in Uganda? Have they covered Somalia as peace journalists, or is their coverage like that from the US and UK that promotes/encourages violence? Discuss.

How to post your discussion question response:

I will put a link on the website each week that says, click here to post your discussion questions. Then, once you’re on that page, find the tab (button) near the upper right corner that says comments. Click it, and select “show comment stream”. A box will open showing all the other comments. At the top of the box it will show anonymous, and “comment on this document”. It is here that you will type your response to the discussion question. When you’re done, just hit enter on your keyboard, and your comments will be posted.

For week 3, please click on this link:

NEXT WEEK--The new posting/assignment will appear here on Oct. 10.


Dates: Sept 19-25

Welcome to the online advanced PJ course. It's great to have you all back in class. This week, we will be reviewing some of the basics of PJ.

Please review all of the material on the course home page. Each week, you will have some reading to do. Then, you will have some sort of written assignment. And, I will ask you to write a paragraph or so as you comment on the discussion question of the week. (see below for details)

To review...
Peace Journalism is when editors and reporters make choices that improve the prospects  for peace.
These choices also promote the positive development of societies recovering from conflict. These
choices -- which stories to report, how they are reported, and the words that are used -- create an
atmosphere conducive to peace and supportive of peace initiatives and peacemakers, without
compromising the principles of good journalism.

Reading--Please read the following...These will help you review the main principles of peace journalism.
1. Guidelines for Peace reporting-IWPR
2. Conflict Sensitive Reporting handbook--Intl Media Suppt
3. My peace journalism've read this before, but please review it-- Peace Journalism Resource Packet-Youngblood

Your written assignment...
Using the materials you read (above) as a guide, please produce a 1 to 1 1/2 page long Peace Journalism Guide. Imagine giving this guide to your colleagues/fellow reporters who don't know about PJ. What would you say in just a small space that would summarize what you know?

Due date: Sept. 25 midnight Uganda time. Emailed to

Help with paper? Gloria will be providing most of the assistance as you write your papers, and Youngblood will be providing most of the feedback (and grades) after the papers are finished. So, if you're stuck, please contact Gloria first.

Your discussion question of the week...
Each week, you will be asked to write one paragraph in response to the discussion question of the week. You may choose to respond more than once, for example if you read something someone else wrote and disagree. But please write at least one discussion item/response per week.

Due date: Sept. 25 midnight Uganda time.

How to post: Go back to the home page. Go to the bottom of the page. Look for the place near the bottom that says Comments. Just click on Comments (it will say 0 Comments, or 2 Comments, whatever). Then it will ask you how you want to post, and you can just say anonymous. As you finish your post, make sure to put your name.

This week's discussion question:
Do you practice peace journalism? Do other journalists and media outlets in Uganda practice peace journalism? If not, why not?

NEXT WEEK--The new posting/assignment will appear here on Sept. 26.